After you have downloaded the theme package, be sure to unzip it.
We have included the full theme setup file with your theme purchase. By installing this you’ll end up with a website that looks and functions exactly like our live demo. From there you’ll be able to add, delete and modify files as you see fit. To install the “full-theme-install” package, do the following:
First, inside the main folder, open the sub-folder titled “plugins”. Inside you’ll find the “all-in-one-wp-migration” plugin. You’ll want to install and activate this plugin to your WordPress website. To do this, go to the “Plugins” section - found on your left-side admin panel in your WordPress admin - then click on the “Add New” button at the top of the plugins page. You’ll want to choose the “Upload Plugin” option in the next screen, since you are uploading from your computer directly. Click that link and then click the “choose file” button to scroll to the location where you have the theme files. Click on the zipped “all-in-one-wp-migration” file within your plugins folder to complete the install. Remember to activate the plugin when done.
With the plugin installed and activated, you’ll notice the “All-in-One WP Migration” link now appearing in your left-side admin. Scroll over that and choose the “import” option. Click the “Import from-” link and choose “file”. Then, within your main theme folder, locate the subfolder titled “full-theme-install”. Located within that subfolder is a zipped file, which is your full theme install file. Select this file to complete the import of the full theme content.
Please note: this is a relatively large file, and will take some time to install. Do not close your browser or logout of your computer while this is uploading, otherwise you’ll have to start the upload from scratch again.
Once the upload is complete, as is described on the finished screen, you’ll want to click on “permalinks”, located under your leftside “Settings” link in the WP admin panel. Click “Save” to finish the process. Please note, by installing this full migration, the WordPress username and password details will be temporarily changed, and you will need the following temporary credentials to log back in:
username: nimda
password: Zstro1492deriv!
* You can - and should - change these credentials once you have successfully logged back in, by clicking on the top right “Edit My Profile” link.
Just like that, you’re done with the install - and you have now the full functioning theme - including all content, pages, files and photos. You can now proceed to make edits by adding, deleting, and editing files as you see fit.
A few notes regarding the customization of your new site:
1.) To edit the logo, you’ll want to open the logo.psd file, located in the “psd files” folder. The font(s) used in the logo design are included with your download. If you don’t have these yet on your computer, you will need to install them (and then restart your graphic program or sometimes your computer) in order to have access to them. You can edit this in Adobe Photoshop, or an equivalent free program like GIMP. Once you have finished making your edits, be sure to save the psd version, and save a version with a png or jpg extension. Then, to upload your logo, scroll over the “Appearance” link in your left-side admin, and then click on the “Header” link. Then follow the steps to upload and save your logo. Note, if you use the size we created the logo with, there will be no need to crop, so you can skip that step when uploading your new logo.
2.) To edit the three homepage button images, you’ll also want to access the editable PSD files listed in your PSD Files folder. Once you have each image edited as you’d like, you can replace the default buttons by going to the pages displaying each of these buttons as a “featured image”. To see which pages contain the featured images, go to your Widgets area and make note of each of the pages selected in the “Genesis Featured Pages” within the “Home Buttons” area.
The first two segments of the middle section of the homepage are also populated using the “Genesis Featured Pages” widget. You will see this section, titled “Home - Middle” immediately after the “Home Buttons” section in the Widgets area. The third item in the row utilized the “Custom Menu” widget.
The footer area contains three widgets, which we have populated with Jetpack’s Contact Info widget (you need to have activated a free JetPack account to have access to this widget), a “Recents Posts” widget, and a “Social Media Widget”. To use this last widget, we’re using the “Social Media Widget” plugin.
3.) To change menus, you’ll want to go to the “Menus” section, located under the “Appearance” tab in your left-side admin panel. The main navigation menu is titled “Primary Navigation”. This is the menu that displays at the top right of your theme. You can add and delete menu items here as you see fit. Please note: if you want to add a new page to your menu you will need to have created the page - by going to the “Pages” section and clicking “New”, before being able to select it from the list of menu options to add.
4.) To edit the slideshow, scroll over the “Genesis” link from your left-side admin and select “Slider Settings”. The actual slideshow photos are linked on the posts that are listed under the “Featured” category. So open each individual post and change out the “Featured Image” if you’d like to replace the images with your own. Please note that the size for the photos you add should be 790px in width by 400px in height.
5.) Being that this theme is built on the Genesis framework, you can also make various edits by clicking on the “Genesis” link in your left-side admin panel. Once in the Genesis Theme Settings admin page you can set aspects such as the default page layout (which can still be overridden on individual pages), choose to enable or disable breadcrumbs, set your comments actions for the entire site, and set up the display preferences for your content archives.
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