Announcing the “All-In” Developer Membership Plan
We’ve been living exciting times here at CMSTF of late. Exciting in the sense that we’ve been designing, developing, and launching new premium WordPress themes that we’re really excited about. We’re excited with the level of inspiration we’ve been feeling; excited with the end result; and excited because, being built on the firm foundation of the Genesis framework, we know these are themes that are structurally sounds and provide for greater user experiences.
In the midst of our launching of 10 new themes in about a month’s time, a new dialog arose. The discussion happened, in part, because we’ve been hearing from developers asking about a membership package. Up until recently, we’ve stuck with a model of single theme purchases, along with offering 5 or 10 theme packages. But what we’ve been sensing the market has an appetite for of late is a much more inclusive and wide-ranging plan - in short, a full-on membership plan.
So, after taking a few weeks to talk over and work out the details, we’re happy to announce that this new plan is now available. And we’re calling it the “All-In” Developer Membership plan. Why “All-In”? Well, because, in short, we decided to toss is as many benefits as we could think of. Thus, with this new package plan, we’re the ones going “all-in”.
Okay, sounds good, right, but what are the actual details? Well, first off, if you as a developer purchase this membership plan, you get access to all our themes. All of them. Bar none. And not only do you get access to the themes we presently have available, but also all themes we launch in the future during the life of your membership. When you consider the fact that we’ve launched 10 new themes in the last month or so, it’s not hard to imagine just how many themes that could mean by the end of the year! And rest assured, we plan to keep adding top-quality, genre-specific themes at a steady clip from here on out.
Further, not only do you get access to all our themes, but you can download and use them as many times as you’d like. That’s unlimited usage for turn-key client sites. When you add up how many themes are available, and multiply that by multi-site usage, we think that makes for a pretty great deal.
But wait, there’s more! In our experience, one aspect of theme development that’s lacking is access to quality stock photos. So we decided, why not let developers draw from the same stock photo collection we draw from when creating our themes? And that’s exactly what we’ve added to sweeten this deal even further. As part of your “All-In” Developer Membership you get a subscription to ESI - Essential Stock Images. And you’ll be able to download each and every photo available as well as a host of vector graphic images at ESI, in order to build out your client sites. Nice perk, don’t you think?
There’s still more. We’re also in the midst of building a custom graphic collection. This collection includes custom background images, original logos, and other graphic images. We’re placing all of this graphic work in something we’re calling “The Good Stuff Repository”. And members of the “All-In” Developer Membership plan will have full access to this collection as well.
All told we think this is a pretty great offer. So what’s the cost? How’s $149 for the first year sound? With subsequent years at just $99? Considering that initial cost is the equivalent of about 2 1/2 single theme purchases, we think that’s a pretty sweet deal. By the way, as the number of themes swells in future months, that price may change, which makes now a great time to get in!
On top of this all this our plan is to keep stuffing this membership plan with as much as we can fit in. In other words, we’re already scheming up ways we can add in even more in the future. So, if you’re a developer, if you regularly build sites and appreciate the reliability, stability and user-friendliness of the Genesis framework, then why not opt in for our “All-In” Developer Membership? We’ll be up front in saying that our goal is to make this membership plan so great that you can’t help but opt in! Bottom line: if you’re a WordPress developer, this plan is for you!
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